Application Note Description


Application Note Description

Application Note Description
1 - Voiceband Modem Standards Tabular summary of modem characteristics, from legacy modems through V.34.
2 - DSX Applications in Small Central Offices Covers the Digital Signal Cross-Connect, or DSX. While everything in this application note applies to central offices of any size, it focuses on small central offices and similar applications. For larger central offices, the only additions would be in designing inter-bay cabling and resolving planning issues. Companion application notes cover related topics including CSU/DSU applications and DS1 testing.
3 - CSU/DSU Applications in DS1 Service Discusses a number of the issues associated with installing a Channel Service Unit (CSU) or Data Service Unit (DSU) on a customer’s premises. The DTE typically used with CSUs are PBXs, channel banks, and DS1 network access multiplexers. The DTE used with DSUs are subrate and Fractional T1 multiplexers, and local area network (LAN) routers and bridges.
4 - Testing DS1 Services Summarizes DS1 service testing procedures and requirements at the Digital Signal Cross-Connect, or DSX-1, and DS1 line repeaters (for repeatered T1-carrier). 
5 - Switched 56 Describes the technical aspects of Switched 56 service and its deployment in a local exchange area. Switched 56 is an end-to-end digital, 56 kb/s, full-duplex, synchronous, circuit switched service, which is available either directly from a Local Exchange Carrier (LEC) or through an Interexchange Carrier (IXC). Transmission is entirely over digital links.
6 - ISDN Basic Rate Interface Focuses on the access, or subscriber loop, portion of the Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) Basic Rate Interface (BRI). While this discussion is mostly concerned with the Physical Layer, or Layer 1, of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model as it applies to the ISDN, mention is made of the Data-Link Layer (Layer 2) and Network Layer (Layer 3). This note also discusses architectures and applications as they apply to what is now called the Narrowband ISDN (NISDN).
7 - The DeciBel Covers the logarithmic unit of signal ratio most commonly used in telephony, the deciBel (dB). Another related application note covers the application of the dB in using Transmission Level Points.
8 - Transmission Level Point Covers the concept of the Transmission Level Point, or TLP. Another related application note covers the deciBel, or dB, which is fundamental to using Transmission Level Points.
9 - Subrate Digital Loops Describes the technical aspects of subscriber loops associated with dedicated digital services, which operate at standard speeds from 2.4 to 64 kb/s. This application note focuses on the higher speeds of 56 and 64 kb/s. These loops are called Subrate Digital Loops (SRDL) and require two metallic twisted cable pairs, one for each direction of transmission. The SRDL is the access portion of an end-to-end synchronous digital service variously called Digital Data Service, DataphoneÒ Digital Service or Dedicated Digital Service, all of which use the acronym DDS. The DDS channels can be operated in the point-to-point and point-to-multipoint modes, except that the 64 kb/s user rate is point-to-point only.
10 - Signaling System No. 7 - Tutorial Heavily illustrated introduction to SS7.  Covers architecture, signaling links, and ISUP and SCCP/TCAP messaging applicable to the North American SS7 network.
11 - SS7 Testing with the Sunset T10 Describes step-by-step procedures for using the Sunrise Telecom Sunset T10 DS1 tester equipped with SS7 software options.  This document assumes a previous background in SS7; see Signaling System No. 7 - Tutorial above.
12 - BETRS Radio Engineering Guide A handbook developed specifically for 150 to 900 MHz trunked and point-to-point wireless local loop systems used in rural areas.  Covers all aspects of propagation, antenna selection, site survey, licensing, installation and testing.