Antenna Supporting Structure The antenna supporting structure consists of four Rohn Industries 25G tower sections with a total height of approximately 12.8 m AGL. Antenna supporting structure construction commenced in early May 2008 and was completed in early July 2008. We use the Elk River p/n 56422 TowerMate LE Four D-Ring fall protection harness for all work on the tower. Pictures of Installation Tower foundation form built from 2x4 and 2x10 lumber.
The foundation
Foundation ready for tower erection. The foundation consists
Gin pole, with line in place, used to raise tower sections,
Four sections of Rohn 25G were erected using a gin pole
Close-up of house bracket that provides lateral support at
3.05 m
Cable loom protects the coaxial cable and rotator control cable.
Tower Guys and Anchors