Jupiter Io-B on 5 September 2009 For this experiment, we used an Icom R-75 HF receiver tuned to 20.1 MHz (in LSB mode with AGC Off). The antenna was a 3-element Yagi pointed 210 degrees true (no tracking was used). At the time of the chart shown below (for Reeve Observatory), Jupiter was at an azimuth of approximately 214 degrees and and elevation of about 8 degrees above the horizon. The composite chart below consists of three individual charts. The upper chart was recorded at our observatory using the setup described. The bottom two charts were recorded by the Eric Dodge Radio Observatory (EDRO) and Arthur's Creek Radio Observatory (ACkRO), both in Melbourne - Victoria, Australia, approximately 12,500 km southwest of our observatory. We are grateful to Clint Jeffrey, who provided the SkyPipe data for the lower charts. The time correlation between the Reeve Observatory and EDRO is quite obvious, particularly between 1042 and 1053 UTC. Many of the same events can be seen on the ACkRO chart (bottom) but they are somewhat muted, and the large 1053 event at ACkRO is not quite as obvious at EDRO or Reeve Obervatory.
Click here for an audio recording corresponding to
the ACkRO
chart between approximately 1052:55 and 1053:30 (35 s, ~0.3 MB WAV file).
Listen for strong S-bursts. We are grateful to E.S. McCauley for this recording. |