Jupiter Io-B on 16 May, 2010 For this daytime experiment, we used the Icom R-75 HF Receiver tuned to 21.250 MHz (LSB). The antenna was a 3-element Yagi pointed 120 degrees true (no tracking was used). At the time of the charts shown below Jupiter was at azimuth/elevation of approximately 118 degrees true and 12 degrees above the horizon. For reference the first image is the Jupiter Radio Map showing the orientation of the Io-B enhanced source at the observation time. The second image shows about 20 minutes out of the total observation interval (1230 - 1530 UTC). The third image shows the 4 minute interval when bursting was most active. The final image shows the 35 second interval corresponding to the audio file immediately below. The recorded bursts were mostly L-bursts.
Click here for an audio recording corresponding to the above chart (~35 s, ~1.7 MB WAV file). Listen for L-bursts (swishing sound).